#0196-SQL Server-SSMS (SQL 2012)-“Navigate To” window to easily find objects in a solution

SQL Server 2012 has been around for quite a while now, and yet, I keep finding hidden enhancements. Now, the SSMS for SQL 2012 uses the VS2010 shell and therefore inherits a lot of it’s functionalities from there. Recently, I stumbled into the “Navigate To” window in the SSMS for SQL 2012 (“Denali”).

I keep all of my scripts (which I have used in the blogs or those that I use during work) under various projects within a solution. Over time as my collection grows, it becomes difficult to remember which script is located under which project, what is the name of the script, etc. In such cases, the “Navigate To” feature can used to quickly find a file within a solution in SSMS.

Some time ago, I shared three (3) scripts related to database backups and backup history on the Scripts Module of this site, BeyondRelational.com. You can quickly access these 3 scripts using the Search Module. Recently, I had to refer one of these scripts and here’s how I used the “Navigate To” window:

With the required SSMS solution open, launch the “Navigate To” window by going to the Edit menu –> Navigate To or use the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl+ ,]


Type a part of the File Name in the “Navigate To” window, and it immediately gets the list of files containing the search string.


Double-clicking the required file opens the file from the solution in the SSMS Query editor window.


So simple – I was able to reach to the required script in just a matter of seconds.

To all the DBAs out there – I find storing my scripts as solutions a very easy way to manage them – I can also share the entire solution with my colleagues via the source control system. If you have not experimented with solutions, I strongly suggest that you give it a try.

Until we meet next time,

Be courteous. Drive responsibly.

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