Tag Archives: Best Practices

Articles related to performance and usability best practices in Microsoft SQL Server.

#0415 – SQL Server – Performance Tuning – Use STRING_AGG to generate comma separated strings

With more and more data being exchanged over APIs, generating comma-separated strings are becoming a much more common requirement.

A few years ago, I wrote about two different ways to generate comma-separated strings. The most common one I find to be in use when generating comma-separated values from a table is the intermediate conversion of XML. This however, is a very costly mechanism and can potentially take minutes for the query to run depending upon the amount of data involved.

SQL Server 2017 brings a new aggregate function that can be used to generate comma-separated values extremely fast. The function is STRING_AGG().

Here’s a sample of it’s usage:

--Step 01: Generate Temp table to store source data
DECLARE @NamesTable TABLE ([Id] INT,
[Name] NVARCHAR(50)
--Step 02: Generate test data
VALUES (1, 'A'),
(2, 'D'),
(2, 'C'),
(3, 'E'),
(3, 'H'),
(3, 'G');
--Step 03: Using STRING_AGG to generate comma-separated strings
SELECT STRING_AGG(tbl.Name, ',') AS [CommaSeparatedString]
FROM @NamesTable AS tbl;

Advantages of STRING_AGG:

  • Can be used just like any other aggregate function in a query
  • Can work with any user supplied separator – doesn’t necessarily have to be a comma
  • No manual step required – Separators are not added at the end of the concatenated string
  • STRING_AGG() is significantly faster than using XML based methods
  • Can be used with any compatibility level as long as the version is SQL Server 2017 (or higher) and Azure SQL database

Here’s an example of how STRING_AGG can be used with any separator:

--Step 01: Generate Temp table to store source data
DECLARE @NamesTable TABLE ([Id] INT,
[Name] NVARCHAR(50)
--Step 02: Generate test data
VALUES (1, 'A'),
(2, 'D'),
(2, 'C'),
(3, 'E'),
(3, 'H'),
(3, 'G');
--Step 03: Using STRING_AGG to generate comma-separated strings
SELECT STRING_AGG(tbl.Name, '-*-') AS [CustomSeparatorString]
FROM @NamesTable AS tbl;
A--D--C--E--H--G /

A minor challenge

As with every new feature, there may be a small usability challenge with STRING_AGG. One cannot use keywords like DISTINCT to ensure that only distinct values are used for generating the comma-separated string. There is however a Azure feedback item open where you can exercise your vote if you feel this feature is useful.

Further Reading

  • Different ways to generate a comma-separated string from a table [Blog Link]
  • STRING_AGG() Aggregate Function [MSDN BOL]

Until we meet next time,

Be courteous. Drive responsibly.

Screenshots showing that objects have been given default constraint names by SQL Server in case a name was not supplied by the user

#0401 – SQL Server – Script to validate object naming convention

A few weeks ago, I ran into a question on one of the forums asking for a script that can help the team validate object naming conventions. Immediately, I was able to sympathize with the team.

What happens is that when developers use the graphical (GUI) tools in the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or via a simple script, they often fail to specify a name to each individual constraint. These slips are not intentional – developers don’t often realize that each constraint is an independent object because they are ultimately related to  another user defined object (a table).

However, when a name is not explicitly specified for a particular constraint, what Microsoft SQL Server does is provide a name by combining the following:

  1. A standard prefix indicating the object (e.g. “DF” for default constraints)
  2. 9 characters of the object name
  3. 5 characters of the field name
  4. Finally, the unique Id of the object, represented in hexa-decimal format

While this format will always generate a unique value, it would generate names that may not be intuitive. It is therefore a common  practice to review the database code and review for compliance with naming conventions  that have been defined in the product/project.

This logic can be leveraged during code reviews/audits to identify objects where standard project naming conventions are not met.

To demonstrate the functionality of the script, I create one table with a wide range of constraints – none of which have a name specified.

USE [tempdb];
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ConstraintsWithoutNames','U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.ConstraintsWithoutNames;

CREATE TABLE dbo.ConstraintsWithoutNames 
    ([RecordId]     INT          NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) 
                                 PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,
     [RecordName]   VARCHAR(255)     NULL,
     [RecordStatus] TINYINT      NOT NULL DEFAULT (0) 
                    CHECK ([RecordStatus] IN (0, 2, 4, 8))

Now, the following script is a simple string search that looks for strings ending with the hexa-decimal representation of the parent object.

USE [tempdb];
FROM [sys].[objects] AS [so]
WHERE [so].[is_ms_shipped] = 0 --Considering user objects only
  AND [so].[name] LIKE ('%' + REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(255),CAST([so].[object_id] AS VARBINARY(MAX)),1),'0x',''))
                        --Only those objects whose names end with the hexadecimal
                        --representation of their object Id

Screenshots showing that objects have been given default constraint names by SQL Server in case a name was not supplied by the user

Objects given default constraint names

I  hope you found this script useful. Please do  share your ideas/scripts that you may be using in your day-to-day activities.

Until we meet next time,

Be courteous. Drive responsibly.

The OLE DB destination in "Fast Load" configuration with "Table Lock" checked (default)

#0391 – SQL Server – SSIS – OLE DB Destination – Table Fast Load – Performance – Table Lock option

Developing SSIS packages is quite easy – it’s mostly drag and drop and some minor configuration, which is a really boon for someone who is new to SSIS. However, when it comes to tuning the package, one needs to understand the finer points of each task on the control flow.

The OLE DB Destination

In one of my previous posts, I started to explore the OLE DB destination. In order to load data as quickly into the destination as possible, the  OLE DB destination allows us to use a “Fast Load” mode. The “Fast Load” option allows the data team to configure various options that affect the speed of the data load:

  1. Keep Identity
  2. Keep NULLs
  3. Table Lock
  4. Check Constraints
  5. Rows per Batch
  6. Maximum Insert Commit Size

I looked at the “Keep NULLs” and the “Keep Identity” options earlier, and today I will go over the “Table Lock” option.

Because the option is part of the OLE DB destination task, the “Table Lock” option indicates whether the database engine should request a more wider lock on the entire table (i.e. use TABLOCK) rather than trying to get granular locks one each row/page and then follow lock escalation to block the table.

Theoretically, when moving extremely large amounts of data compared to the number of records already available in the destination table, the database engine would deem the granular locks (at the row/page level) too cost prohibitive and escalate to the table anyway. In this case, it would be better to specify the wider TABLOCK.

Allow me to present a brief demo.

Creating the package with logging for comparing execution time

As always, I have created a simple package that creates a table and inserts data into it. The table is identical to the [Sales].[SalesOrderDetail] table in the [AdventureWorks2014] sample database. The table creation script used in the Execute SQL task on the package is provided below:

USE [tempdb];

IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[SalesOrderDetail]','U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE [dbo].[SalesOrderDetail];

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SalesOrderDetail]
    [SalesOrderID]           [INT]              NOT NULL,
    [SalesOrderDetailID]     [INT]              NOT NULL,
    [CarrierTrackingNumber]  [NVARCHAR](25)         NULL,
    [OrderQty]               [SMALLINT]         NOT NULL,
    [ProductID]              [INT]              NOT NULL,
    [SpecialOfferID]         [INT]              NOT NULL,
    [UnitPrice]              [MONEY]            NOT NULL,
    [UnitPriceDiscount]      [MONEY]            NOT NULL 
                             CONSTRAINT [DF_sodUnitPriceDiscount]  DEFAULT ((0.0)),
    [LineTotal]              DECIMAL(38, 6),
    [rowguid]                [UNIQUEIDENTIFIER] NOT NULL,
    [ModifiedDate]           [DATETIME]         NOT NULL 
                             CONSTRAINT [DF_sodModifiedDate]  DEFAULT (GETDATE())

Once the table is created, the package “flows” to the Data Flow Task. Inside the data flow, essentially I simply select about 4 times the data from the [AdventureWorks2014].[Sales].[SalesOrderDetail] table (approximately 485268 rows) using an OLE DB source and pump it to the newly created target table via an OLE DB destination with the “Table Lock” option checked (default).

I then configure logging on the package to log the package activity for the Data Flow Task for the OnError, OnPreExecute and OnPostExecute events (Configuring package logging is out of scope for this blog post).

The script used in the OLEDB source is presented here:

USE AdventureWorks2014;
SELECT sod.SalesOrderID,
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS sod
CROSS JOIN (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4)) AS Combinations (ComboValue)

A set of screenshots showing the package configuration described above are shown below.


An “Execute SQL Task” creates the test table


The OLE DB destination in “Fast Load” configuration with “Table Lock” checked (default)

Package Log configuration enabled for the OLEDB destination

Package Log configuration enabled for the OLEDB destination

Event configuration done to log task activities as part of package logging

Event configuration done to log task activities as part of package logging

Once the package is executed, I will compare the difference between the OnPreExecute and OnPostExecute times for both configurations of the “Table Lock” option to get an idea of the performance difference between them.

NOTE: The packages were executed after it was confirmed that the databases involved (in this case tempdb) had grown sufficiently to accommodate the inserted data.

Confirming that we are indeed taking a Table Lock

While the package is executing in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT, erstwhile BIDS), I run the following query on the SQL Server to check the locks occupied on our test table.

USE [tempdb]
SELECT tl.resource_associated_entity_id AS ObjectId,
       OBJECT_NAME(tl.resource_associated_entity_id) AS ObjectName,
       tl.request_mode AS LockRequestMode
FROM [sys].[dm_tran_locks] AS tl
WHERE tl.resource_database_id = DB_ID()
  AND tl.resource_associated_entity_id = OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[SalesOrderDetail]','U');

Based on the results, we can confirm that an exclusive Bulk Update (BU) lock has indeed been requested and granted on the table – indicating that the TABLOCK option was used as part of the insert.

Bulk Update (BU) lock used on the table, indicating use of TABLOCK (Table Lock)

Bulk Update (BU) lock used on the table, indicating use of TABLOCK (Table Lock)

Running the package with “Table Lock” turned Off

If I check the locks on the table while running the package with the “Table Lock” option unchecked, I see that either an “Intent Exclusive” (IX) or an “Exclusive” (X) lock have been used. This indicates that SQL Server is actually using Exclusive locks on lower level allocation units (page/row).


When “Table Lock” is unchecked, an Intent Exclusive Lock is acquired on the table, indicating granular exclusive locks in use

Please note that between each run, the data buffers were cleaned and procedure cache was cleared out to get a “cold” state performance of the database engine.


Comparing package execution performance

Because I had turned on logging on the SSIS package, I ran the following query against the [dbo].[sysssislog] table which gives me the time difference (in seconds) between the “OnPreExecute” and “OnPostExecute” events for both the packages. The query and the results are available below:

USE [tempdb];
SELECT [PivotedTbl].,
               ) AS PackageRunTimeInSeconds
      FROM [dbo].[sysssislog] AS sl
     ) AS [SourceTbl]
PIVOT (MAX([SourceTbl].[starttime]) 
       FOR [SourceTbl].[event] IN ([OnPreExecute],[OnPostExecute])
      ) AS [PivotedTbl];


Execution time summary showing data flow with OLE DB destination using Table locks completes faster than one using granular locks

We can clearly see that the table load with “Table lock” checkbox turned on is comparatively faster.


The OLE DB destination task is a very powerful way to load data into SQL Server table. It also provides the flexibility to boost the rate of data insertion when used wisely.

  • When loading data into an empty table or when system is under an outage window, evaluate keeping the “Table Lock” checkbox checked
  • When it is important to keep the tables accessible during the data load, evaluate keeping the “Table Lock” checkbox unchecked
    • This will ensure that if possible, the SELECT queries are not blocked from being executed as long as they do not refer to the same page(s) being inserted/updated
  • Using a higher-level lock (in case of requesting a Table Lock/TABLOCK) does provide a reduced data “load” time due to reduced overhead of maintaining granular locks and can be used as a means to speed up the data inserts for large data sets


  • Lock Modes in SQL Server [MSDN Link]
  • Lock Compatibility [MSDN Link]
  • Performance – Best Practice – Create Index Before or After a data insert? [Blog Link]
  • Performance – Best Practice – Create Index Before or After a data insert – I/O, Fragmentation, CPU and Elapsed Time [Blog Link]

Until we meet next time,

Be courteous. Drive responsibly.

Data Flow Task used to demonstrate case-sensitivity of Lookup transformation

#0388 – SQL Server – SSIS – Lookup transformations are case-sensitive

I have been working with SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) recently. In many ways, SSIS is counter-intuitive if you have been working with the database engine for long (more than a decade in my case). Working with SSIS is more like working with any other .net framework based programming language (C# or VB.net). Over the next couple of days, I will be writing about some of the salient aspects of SSIS which should be kept in mind in case you are working on multiple SQL Server technologies.

Lookup Transformations – A key to successful system integrations

Cross-referencing of Enumerations

One of the key challenges for any system integration is to ensure that the enumerations  and “default” values used in the source system (e.g. sales statuses, product categories, etc) align between the “source” & “target” systems.

Once the values aligned during business, high-level and low-level designs, implementation of this cross-referencing in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is done by a data flow component called the “Lookup Transformation“. The Lookup transformation effectively performs a join between the input data with a reference data set. If values match, they are available in what is called the “Match Output” whereas values that do not match can be made available as a “No Match Output”. However, this comes with a tiny counter-intuitive behaviour that I learnt about the hard way.

The lookup performed by the lookup transformation is case-sensitive.


In order to demonstrate the case-sensitivity of lookup transformations, I have developed a SSIS package that does the following in a simple data-flow task:

  1. Get some static data from an OLEDB data source, basically some rows with text representation of numbers (One, Two, Three, and so on)
  2. The Lookup transform has a static mapping between the numeric and text values of various numbers – 1 through 10
  3. As the input data passes through the lookup transformation, we try to map the text values in the source data with the values available in the lookup transformation so that we can get the appropriate numeric representation
    • In my demo, records that find a valid lookup are written to a recordset destination (it could be any valid destination), whereas records that do not match are written to another destination
    • I have placed data viewers on the output pipelines to visually see the data being moved, which is what I will show below

The query used to generate the static data in the OLE DB source is provided below.

SELECT srcValues.RowName,
FROM (VALUES ('Row1','One'),
     ) AS srcValues (RowName, RowValue);

The query used to generate the lookup values for the lookup transform is provided below:

SELECT lookUpValues.Id,
FROM (VALUES (1, 'One'),
             (2, 'Two'),
             (3, 'Three'),
             (4, 'Four'),
             (5, 'Five'),
             (6, 'Six'),
             (7, 'Seven'),
             (8, 'Eight'),
             (9, 'Nine'),
             (10, 'Ten')
     ) AS lookUpValues (Id, RowValue);

Observe that in the static source data, not all values have a consistent case – some are in sentence case, whereas some are in small case.

The screenshots below show the overall setup of the SSIS package.

Data Flow Task used to demonstrate case-sensitivity of Lookup transformation

Data Flow Task used to demonstrate case-sensitivity of Lookup transformation

LookUp Transformation - General configuration (Notice redirection to no match output)

LookUp Transformation – General configuration (Notice redirection to no match output)

Lookup Transformation - Connection tab showing reference values

Lookup Transformation – Connection tab showing reference values

Lookup Transformation - Columns configuration showing "RowValue" used for matching whereas the reference Id is fetched to include in output

Lookup Transformation – Columns configuration

Notice here that we have used the text value from the source data (“RowValue” column) for matching/lookup to the reference data set. The reference Id is fetched to include in output.

If a match is found the “Match Output” should contain the matching row from the source combined with the Id from the reference/lookup data. This is seen in the data viewer output below.

Lookup Transformation - Match Output (source rows with the Id from the reference data)

Lookup Transformation – Match Output (source rows with the Id from the reference data)

If a match is not found (which would be the case for the values with lower case in the source data), the “No Match Output” will contain the row from the source data that failed the lookup (since failures were redirected to the “No Match” output in the general configuration). Notice we do not get the Id from the reference because no match to the reference was found.

Lookup Transformation - No Match Output

Lookup Transformation – No Match Output


When working with a case insensitive database, we often tend to take data quality with respect to case of the data for granted. Having data with inconsistent case has multiple repercussions (especially with data grouping in front end applications), but the biggest negative impact due to inconsistent case of text data is the inaccurate cross-referencing during a master data cleanup, system integration or data migration exercise.

Call to action

Do take a few cycles in your development to take a look at your data quality, and if necessary, implement required data cleansing to ensure that your lookup data, enumerations and master data are using a case that is correct and consistent with the domain and business requirements.

Until we meet next time,

Be courteous. Drive responsibly.

"Default Cursor" scope set at the database level can be verified using the "Options" page of the "Database Properties" window in SSMS

#0386 – SQL Server – Cursor Scope – A cursor with the name ‘cursor name’ does not exist.; Msg 16916

It’s a well-known fact that using T-SQL cursors have a significant overhead on the query performance. At the same time, there are applications where one simply cannot use a set-based approach and use T-SQL cursors. Examples of such scenarios are when cascading complex calculations need to happen for each record (which are handled via CLR code or dedicated stored procedures) or when interfacing applications can only accept one record at a time.

Each T-SQL cursor has a specific scope. The cursor can be limited for use within the given stored procedure, trigger or batch making it a LOCAL cursor. If the context of the cursor is to be made available to multiple objects and scopes within the connection until explicitly deallocated, it is a GLOBAL cursor.

The cursor scope (GLOBAL/LOCAL) can be defined at the database level and can be overridden by the DECLARE CURSOR statement. Most implementations that I have seen rely on the database configuration. In such cases, if the cursor has been designed for GLOBAL access and someone changes the database configuration to a LOCAL cursor scope, the code will break.

Checking Default Cursor Scope: Database Configuration

Using T-SQL

A simple check on the [is_local_cursor_default] column of the [sys].[databases] will tell us if the default cursor scope is local or global.

--Confirm that Global cursors are set:
--        is_local_cursor_default = 0, i.e. GLOBAL cursor scope
--        is_local_cursor_default = 1, i.e. LOCAL cursor scope
--This is the default setting!
SELECT [sd].[is_local_cursor_default],
FROM [sys].[databases] AS sd 
WHERE [sd].[database_id] = DB_ID('AdventureWorks2012');

As the column name suggests, a value of 0 indicates that the cursor is GLOBAL, whereas a value of 1 indicates that the cursor is LOCAL.

Using SSMS

In SSMS, we can check the value of default cursor scope by looking at the “Options” page of the Database Properties window.

"Default Cursor" scope set at the database level can be verified using the "Options" page of the "Database Properties" window in SSMS

Checking “Default Cursor” scope set at the database level

Reproducing the Problem

For the purposes of this demo, I have created a simple stored procedure in the AdventureWorks database that is called once per each Product Category Id to get the product listing of products in that category.

USE AdventureWorks2012;

--Create the test stored procedure
IF OBJECT_ID('Production.ProductListing','P') IS NOT NULL
    DROP PROCEDURE Production.ProductListing;
CREATE PROCEDURE Production.ProductListing
    @productCategoryId INT

    SELECT ppsc.ProductCategoryID AS ProductCateogry,
    FROM Production.Product AS pp
    INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory AS ppsc 
            ON pp.ProductSubcategoryID = ppsc.ProductSubcategoryID
    WHERE ppsc.ProductCategoryID = @productCategoryId;

I can now create a cursor, access values from the cursor and call the stored procedure in an iterative manner. One would use this pattern when working with situations where dynamic SQL may need to be used to build the cursor (e.g. when fetching data from different tables of the same structure depending upon the configuration/situation).

USE AdventureWorks2012;
--Create a CURSOR via Dynamic SQL and then 
--use the values from the CURSOR to call the stored procedure
DECLARE @productListCategoryId INT;
EXEC sp_executesql @sql = N'DECLARE ProductListByCategory CURSOR
                                FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY
                            FOR SELECT ppc.ProductCategoryID
                                FROM Production.ProductCategory AS ppc;

OPEN ProductListByCategory;

FETCH NEXT FROM ProductListByCategory INTO @productListCategoryId;
    EXEC Production.ProductListing @productCategoryId = @productListCategoryId;

    FETCH NEXT FROM ProductListByCategory INTO @productListCategoryId;

CLOSE ProductListByCategory;
DEALLOCATE ProductListByCategory;

Normally the stored procedure calls will work just fine, as can be seen from the screenshot below.

Successful execution of cursor when Global cursor scope is configured

Successful execution of cursor when Global cursor scope is configured

Now, let us change the cursor scope to LOCAL at the database level.

--Now, enable local cursors by default
--for the AdventureWorks2012 database

Running the same query as above now results in errors! The errors simply state that the cursor with the name “ProductListByCategory” does not exist.

USE AdventureWorks2012;
--Create a CURSOR via Dynamic SQL and then 
--use the values from the CURSOR to call the stored procedure
DECLARE @productListCategoryId INT;
EXEC sp_executesql @sql = N'DECLARE ProductListByCategory CURSOR
                                FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY
                            FOR SELECT ppc.ProductCategoryID
                                FROM Production.ProductCategory AS ppc;

OPEN ProductListByCategory;

FETCH NEXT FROM ProductListByCategory INTO @productListCategoryId;
    EXEC Production.ProductListing @productCategoryId = @productListCategoryId;

    FETCH NEXT FROM ProductListByCategory INTO @productListCategoryId;

CLOSE ProductListByCategory;
DEALLOCATE ProductListByCategory;
Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 75
A cursor with the name 'ProductListByCategory' does not exist.

Learning the hard way

The error message above is exactly what we received after we restored a copy of our development database on a loaned SQL Server instance to facilitate a ramp-up activity.

After conducting an impromptu code review to confirm that there were no other obvious issues (like deallocating the cursor without closing), we set out to compare the server and database settings with a working environment to rule out environmental issues. That’s when we saw that the DBA on the loaned server had changed the cursor scope setting of our database.

The Solution

The ideal solution to this issue has two parts – a configuration piece and a failsafe embedded into standard coding practice.

Set and document database level cursor scope requirements

One part of the ideal solution is to define and document the cursor scope requirements during database design. This should then be part of the documentation and checklists that are referenced when deploying the databases in production.

Database deployment and setup scripts should also have scripts to set the default scope, similar to the one below.


Ensure that cursor scope is defined when declaring a cursor

The fail-safe aspect of the solution is to ensure that when declaring a cursor, the code explicitly specifies whether the cursor is GLOBAL or LOCAL.

As can be seen from the example below, if scope is defined during cursor definition, it continues to work even if the cursor scope at the database level is not as expected.

--Set the cursor scope as GLOBAL when defining the cursor
--(as part of the DECLARE CURSOR statement)
--This overrides the default database configuration
USE AdventureWorks2012;
DECLARE @productListCategoryId INT;
EXEC sp_executesql @sql = N'DECLARE ProductListByCategory CURSOR GLOBAL
                                FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY
                            FOR SELECT ppc.ProductCategoryID
                                FROM Production.ProductCategory AS ppc;

OPEN ProductListByCategory;

FETCH NEXT FROM ProductListByCategory INTO @productListCategoryId;
    EXEC Production.ProductListing @productCategoryId = @productListCategoryId;

    FETCH NEXT FROM ProductListByCategory INTO @productListCategoryId;

CLOSE ProductListByCategory;
DEALLOCATE ProductListByCategory;

If the GLOBAL scope is defined when declaring a cursor, the code works as expected even though the database configuration is set to default cursor scope of LOCAL

If the Global scope is defined when declaring a cursor, the code works as expected irrespective of database configuration

Further Reading

The same error message (Msg. 16916) will be thrown due to a simple coding error – when we code deallocates a cursor before closing it first. This can easily be caught by implementing a code review practice and is a lesson for sustenance teams. That is what I recommend as a further reading into this topic.

Until we meet next time,

Be courteous. Drive responsibly.